Internity is our way of showing you what life is like for an unpaid intern.

I’m Ivan Phone, the Chief Board Liaison Officer at TGM…

and I’ve got exciting news about Internity. This news isn’t just “our demo being now available” or “a new gameplay trailer being ready to watch”, it’s also a story about you, our beloved shareholders

Sometimes shareholders like you send me messages asking how are we going to create more value for you? My response has always been: unpaid internships.

– Ivan Phone

You might say “But Ivan! I’m a shareholder! I don’t want to do an unpaid internship!” Hahaha, you are so funny. I’m talking about unpaid interns (not shareholders) doing unpaid internships.

Internity is our way of showing you, dear shareholder, what life is like for an unpaid intern. There are plenty of misconceptions about how interns are treated.

No one talks enough about what we are giving them. So let’s do that right now.

  • Comfort. Our Live/Work Cubicles are state-of-the-art. The furniture is comfortable, and they get all the americanos and food pellets they want.
  • Meaning. Working on personal brands is meaningful work
  • Purity. They actually can have showers. I have seen them having showers.
  • Solitude. Our interns are alone in their cubicles. No one bothers them.
  • Immortality. While safe in Internity, an intern cannot die.

Here are two interns talking about how much they like Internity.

Listening to interns talk isn’t for everyone. I understand this more than anyone! I’ve predicted the superior taste of you, the shareholder and provided a more executive perspective on the subject on Internity. The following video is from our successful product launch at Claremont Projects in Toronto. Watch me (and listen to me) make important insights on a compelling subject.

The future starts when you decide to invest in Tough Guy Mountain.

Play our demo. Watch our videos. Keep reading our innovative e-mails.


Ivan Phone, 

Chief Board Liaison Officer

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